well,prom was a blast..
cant reali 4get those happy moments..
i took a pic wif my best guy fren..n i got a hug frm him..haha..
sad thing,din get to take pic wif HIM..
u noe,tis guy wana take a pic wif me badly..
but he had to went off early..
'till i meet u again k..'
niwae,my frens and i were like dancin on the floor..it was utterly fab..
i mean we're 16 so its like havin a taste of clubbin..
no alcohol..tats fine..
i mean if u look at how we were dancin,u mite b tinkin we're on drugs..kiddin..
seriously,i m gona go clubbin wen im 18..
anyway..the food was sumptious but dancin was way better..
i wished prom hadn't ended but fact is fact..
waitin for more parties to come in the future..
Friday, November 30, 2007
AweSome Prom..
typed by
unkept secrets
3:28 AM
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Labels: secrets within me
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
damn it..
sometimes wen u have crushes,it's meant to be a secret..
i mean u won't want ur crush to noe rite..
wat if he doesn like u..
rejected is fine but sometimes it wil make u stop tinkin bout him..
at least wen u're sad,u can tink about ur crush..the way he smiles..n it makes u happy..
it breaks ur heart u see if secrets are spread..
i made the biggest mistake ever..
i tol a stoopid fren of mine of my crush..
n tis idiot go spread it ard until he noes it..
i dn even noe how to face him..
n he seem pretty mad wen he noes i like him..
to stop matter further..
i confess..
not the truth..but i jus said the idiot was mad at me so made rumours..
He was relieved..
so there goes my crush..
Crush are meant to be Crushed rite??
typed by
unkept secrets
4:45 PM
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Labels: secrets within me
Sunday, November 25, 2007
EmO FreaK
i created tis poem out of boredom.
can't take tis anymore
feel like killin myself like how i did b4
i sliced myself with a cookin knife
been left alone ol my life..
im sic,im crazy
don wana live anymor
feel like jumpin outside tat door
my heart breaks
into million pieces
cant describe those aweful feelings
im tired of cryin
thinkin of dying..
i wan to die
coz life has been unfair
no one was there
wen i fell frm the stairs
i cud see myself bleedin
enduring those pains
i had to suffer it ol til i go insane
don wana live,wana rest in peace
life without meanin
wats the use of living
even if i die
no soul will cry
for i never existed
isn't tat wat they wanted??
im dead,im dead
believe me i said
my burdens ol gone
ol burried alone..
typed by
unkept secrets
11:02 AM
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Saturday, November 24, 2007
a fren of mine
i SO don't understan her..
she has got a boyfren yet she stil go out wif other guys..then she gets jealous coz her bf text a gal who happens to be his best fren,her enemy..
i mean her bf is such a great guy n she's a total bitch..Goodness..
he understans her but he's juz sensitive..
sometimes i wonder why i'm her fren..i mean she makes fun of the guy i like and she even flirt wif some of them..she makes me damn jealous..n juz coz her bf text his best fren,she's makin suc a big fuss..i hope she change for the better and tat might happen if the guy leaves her..
typed by
unkept secrets
5:34 PM
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Labels: secrets within me
Friday, November 23, 2007
Missing OuT
Major exams are over..Finally..can relax..
seriously,i tout after exams are over,i can do WHATEVER i want..but i was wrong..a teenager like me craved for freedom..wat do ya expect huh..
what do i want??
but then again,i miss studyin..burnin the midnite oil..drinkin coffee to stay awake until wee hours..
i miss wearin the sch uniform.i miss my frens,the teachers naggin,the school and my band..
i even miss homework,detention n exams..i juz miss being busy!!!
I miss my teenage years!!!
haiz..Life has to go on right??
mayb when sch starts again,i'll be missin out the holidays..LoL
typed by
unkept secrets
3:05 PM
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Labels: secrets within me
Thursday, November 22, 2007
seriously,life hasn't been fair for my family and me..
juz downgraded our house..
downgraded our car..
downgraded our normal lifestyle..
and evrything else 4 the sake of my dad..
OL bocoz of one Fookin bitch..[actualy 3]
Can u believe it??my dad have 4 wives..
n we are always the one 2 sacrifice..i pity my mum A LOT..
n she stil don wana let dad go..
Sometimes i wonder??
y is life so cruel??
y do bad ppl always win??
y mus life b unfair??
evry time i look at our family situation,i always cry,secretly..i dn wan ppl to noe how weak i am..
n juz now,went to court wif my mum..
that bitch has a case wif my dad n she wants OUR money.
Forgoodness sake,my mum haf 5 children n we downgraded our life to survive n she wants OUR money..not MY dad's!!!
wats wrong wif her??wats wrong wif that BITCH..
i don't even wana noe how many guys she slept wif but can she LEAVE my family alone..
Hasn't she no idea how many SINS she made??
i believe one day,she'll get her OWN punishment ..n may she LEARN from it..
For now,i juz want her to F#@! off frm my life..
typed by
unkept secrets
11:30 PM
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Labels: secrets within me
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
a Loser Like You
This poem is dedicated to Him..
Few mths ago,u broke up
Few mths ltr,u git 2 noe sumbody
start wif 'm'
ends wif 'e'
also ur fren known as me
r u sic wif ur boring life???
u stil lurve her rite??
then get her bac
don sit ther n whine
making me ur punching bag
im tired of hearin
u pouring ol ur pain
it's ol the same
no end to the game
so move on dude,Get real!!
u mess uP ur life dn u mess up mine
i may b ur fren
bt i haf feelins too
don play wif my heart
im damn sic of YOU..
Fook Out..
typed by
unkept secrets
12:40 AM
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Labels: secrets within me
Sunday, November 18, 2007
i SO don understand guys..
they keep makin my life complicated..
wel,ard mid april,i got 2 noe a guy from a fren..
i mean seriously i had no intention to get serious wif the guy.n i wasn't in e mood 4 new frens..
wat do ya expec wen u're sittin 4 ur exams in 2 wks time..Ther's juz no time 4 fun..
anyway,im just bein stupid and i accept the offer of bein his frens..
it was ok at first.we text and text and text.i then realise i wasn't bein my real me and my phone bills shoot up.
so we chat and soon blah and blah,we got intact in juz 2 mts..to my disappointment,he suddenly changed.like he's not interested in me..
i like to stick by my own words..Tat is
'If ppl don wan 2 hang ard u anymor,leave them and find a new one'
the world isn't tat big but replacin one soul frm billions is easy especially wif internet..lol
anyway,juz 2 b sure,i tried to text him and that's ard mid june..Sadly,no reply..
and when i was on the verge to forget him,he step into my LIFE again..about early sept.
God,why is he doing this to me..
he sweet talk me and all..i juz cant take it u see..
Coz i felt like he was using me..textin me while he's bored and then dump me aside when he's havin fun..
i may b a gurl but i haf my own rights ok..im not an old cloth wher he can juz throw me away when he needs to..So guess wat??i tol him tat i don wan to talk to him until my exams are finally over..and that will be in 2 months time.i wanted to test him.See if he was loyal to me and willin 2 wait 4 me..
Months passed and i was right..He forgot about me.It's like he only text me once in a blue moon..HahHa,Guys...seriously,i tink he should get a grip of himself..and im gona make a poem for him after this post..
typed by
unkept secrets
10:23 PM
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Labels: secrets within me
Saturday, November 17, 2007
my dirty seCrets
tis wil be a secret post made by me..
i din tel anyone tat i haf a blog..
i LIED..
i said i din haf a comp..
i din haf internet..
and im neva online..
i dn wan the truths to b out..
even if it's out,nobody wil eva noe hu i am especially my frens..
they mite b readin tis but they wil haf no idea it's me.
typed by
unkept secrets
10:20 PM
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