Wednesday, July 15, 2009

stupid tears


I don't know why.. Feelings kinda took over my body.
And...I'm just upset..

I think I'm falling in love.. But this time, i'm taking it slow..
really slow to the point I dont know if it will work out..
I'm scared..afraid to lose that someone..
part of me wants him..infact i miss him..and i truly need him..

what effing happen to the independent me..
One who doesn't fall in love easily.
One who moves on and cant wait to carry on with the journey..
One whose strong and can surpass anything in life..

im getting weaker around you and i hate that..
i stil have my doubts..Will you wait for me??

even though we're not really together ...i feel hurt..
those words written on your wall..
what do you mean by goin back in time..?
what do you mean by taking chances last time?

i feel lousy.. like what am i to you?
are you trying to say that if only you had taken those chances last time,
you wouldn end up with me..?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Life has been great so far..

I'm seeing SOMEONE..

I'm dating SOMEONE..

I think I'm falling for him soon.. Like soon..

And I'm scared...

Don't miss me readers=]
Im going to be on Hiatus..
So much to do yet so little time ...